Classifying Monster Hunter monsters as 'dogs'.

What is a dog? The domesticated descendant of the wolf, a furry four legged canine that plays ball and chases sticks, tears off your couch and makes a mess where it shouldn't, referred to as 'the man's best friend'.
Turns out, that sometimes, a dog can be over 7 feet tall. Sometimes it can be a lizard, or a wyvern, and have wings. Sometimes it can try to kill you and look cool doing so.
That's what Monster Hunter has been trying to show us all along.

How exactly can we say that a certain monster is a 'dog?'

There's actual dogs in the game: like Zinogre, a giant electric wolf, and Odogaron, that literally has 'dog' in its name.

Let's take Nergigante, for example. Many fans would argue that he's a 'dog', and he fills all the previously stated traits. The vibes alone would be enough, because really, would you disagree that it'd be cool to have a pet Nergigante? No, you wouldn't. That's a dog through and through.

A png image of Nergigante from Monster Hunter World. It's a black dragon full of spikes like a porcupine, big horns and wings.

Personally, Tobi-Kadachi is a dog to me. Is it a lizard? Yes. Would I be able to take it on a walk? Also yes. Point proven.

A png image of Tobi-Kadachi from Monster Hunter World. It's a light blue, spiked lizard, with retractable wings between its front and hindlegs.

There are many other monsters you could view as a 'dog', be it full of scales, fur or even able to fly; as long as they fill the criteria, you should be good.

Or if you make a good enough argument, I might listen and agree with you.

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